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Omar Sosa

Hey, My name is Omar Sosa

I am a passionate frontend developer based in Texas, USA. My specialities are React JS, and I love building apps that are delightful to use.

Projects All my projects include links to the code and live version. Click the button to learn more about each one.

Software Screenshot


This is a project created to simulate a real E-commerce website that allows users to create profiles to manage their items in the cart or see their orders.

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Software Screenshot

Vans rental

A single page app built in React-Vite that simulates a real shooping website with different routes. Optimized for phone device's width.

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Software Screenshot


An small app that consumes a REST API to get the questios an let the users try to answer them.

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To see all my projects please visit my website.

My website

About Me

I'm a frontend developer based out of Texas, USA. I love building apps that solve real-world problems, and that are delightful to use. My specialities include, React JS, CSS, TypeScript and Styled Components.

Get to know me!

I have a bachelors degree in Electrical & computer Engineering from UTEP and a frontend developer certificate from Scrimba. Currently pursuing a master's degree to be more prepared for the world!


My Skills

Node JS

Contact Please reach out if you have any questions! I'm happy to jump on a video call to brainstorm projects and ideas. Send me an email at omar.sosa.quimica@gmail.com or call me directly at +1(915)-701-6412